
Welcome to Carrie Gravenson's website. It will make you laugh. It will make you cry. It will make you laugh again. You seem emotionally unstable.

Better Bad Strip Club Names.

A few weeks ago and without any warning, #BadStripClubNames appeared on Twitter.  People were writing names like "Chlamydia" and "Ugly Girls."  I felt I could do better and the challenge resulted in quite a day for me on Twitter.  If that's a real thing. 

I'm proud to present to you now, 10 better bad strip club names:

  1. Jimmy's Non-sexual Anus Pounding Station
  2. Cousin Nate's Squirmy Genital Farm
  3. Grapple Peanut Funkytown Clinic
  4. Ye Olde Sexy Biological Curiosity Shoppe
  5. Slappy Von Stroodle's Prison Palace
  6. Pink Eye
  7. Booby McSquizzlestein's Naked Emporium
  8. Yeast Infection Poop Pimple Heaven
  9. Scram Farthington's Nipple Fiesta
  10. Penis Blender

Investors and perverts and perverted investors, you're welcome!

My Reaction to Internet Food Lists.

How to be a gracious guest by quietly choking with envy.